Friday, March 02, 2007

Doing Too Little

Ok, this is sort of a comment to Ryan's post and something I was just thinking about. We talked about minimalist tutoring and how the student the can learn more if we do not engage ourselves too deeply in their work. However, I have a question for you guys, can a tutor do too LITTLE in helping a student? What I mean is, well, we talked a lot about how we, as tutors can do too much but what about not doing enough? Can we find an in-between? By trying hard not to do all the work, is there a chance that we could do more harm then good? I was reading Ryan's post and all these questions just popped in my head and I realized that I did not know the answers, I don't even know if there IS an answer.

I never thought that tutoring could be so hard or so complex. I really thought tutoring would be easy, I would just go in, help the student with their paper and that would be it. Silly me, right? There is so much more to it.You have to worry about too much and then on the other hand, make sure that you're not doing too little, its enough to make someone crazy. Or maybe I'm just thinking about this too much but I think that being a tutor would require me to give it all the thought that I have.

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